Trio Subtonic is a groove heavy power trio out of Portland, Oregon that blends genre bending funk with slow burning underground soul jazz. Led by keyboardist Galen Clark, Subtonic explores a coalescence of rock, soul, funk and jazz that simultaneously draws in listeners and pushes boundaries. Creating a sonic footprint reserved for more than just three people, Subtonic delivers soulful grooves, expansive improvisations and a deep pocket that compels audiences to try dance moves they didn't know they had.

Trio Subtonic’s most recent release ‘Coda’ (single) is out now! Subtonic released ‘Fiction’ on the Ropeadope label in 2016 and a live album with Dan Balmer in 2017! 

The lis­tener will find funky, groove-oriented sounds, acoustic bal­lads, and gospel-tinged instru­men­tals. Trio Subtonic’s “pop­ulist” take on Jazz means that just about every­body digs what they’re doing. Best of all, this record is “designed” well, mak­ing for a diverse lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence from begin­ning till end. –Matt Fleeger, KMHD

No secret to North­west jazz afi­ciona­dos, Trio Subtonic oper­ate within simul­ta­ne­ously soul­ful and funk-heavy arrange­ments. High­lighted by the daz­zling key-work of Galen Clark, the trio is a ver­i­ta­ble mon­ster hybrid of jazz fusion.  –PDX Pop Now

In an indus­try becom­ing increas­ingly over­crowded with crossover acts, Port­land, Oregon’s Trio Subtonic has carved out their own iden­tity… The trio has embraced the sounds that sur­round them and crafted a cohe­sive, expertly sequenced record that should pack dance­floors and demand care­ful lis­ten­ing.  –